Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thursday !

exaammss !!! stress siaL !! study like crazy.
what to do , normally i also din study & din even pay attention in class !
now is the akibat looo .... xp

hahahaha .. i jammed in m.m and i learn something new ! hehe
fun =)
but still ..
there is a place which ...
i dun wanna go but i feel like wanna go ..
i dunno what am i thinking also ~

i fucking miss him !!
my Mr.D .
he seriously driving me crazy !
i promiss myself not to do this anymore !
but ..
it seems like i failed to do this AGAIN !
help ~
i don't care get hurt and be hurt anymore !!

My friends was like ..
'' Lily , doing all this is not worth it .. u desreve some better guy ''
but ..
i do all this is to show my love to him !

i'm really freaking lost !