Thursday, August 27, 2009

♥ Lily's Sweet 16th #

is My Raspberry birthday cake.

people : Lily, make a wish !
Lily : oh , okay ..

erm .. i think that was a dumb wish !!
Alicia and Brenda know what i wish for la ..
but the din mention , they just gimmie that *tricky* look . xD
cuz if say out then not true aD .. hehe

Awesome day - 27/8/09 ~
i met some of my primary classmate, boys ..
erm exp: Jia Chien then others la .. =)
Alicia is wif Shannon,
i am wif Lewis,
brenda is wif Dinesh Roy and Surin.
sonia and ash went lagoon .. i think they having lots of fun there =p
Josh and few of his fren in lagoon too .. =)
i spent all my rm150 in one day in Pyramid ..
this is the disadvantage going there when SALE !
each pair of us watch different movie in diff. time ..
that's weird , i know . =p
Me and Lewis watch i love you beth Cooper . !
that show is nice and funny =D
and yeah ..
Thx alot to Lewis's dad .. he drop me home .. =)
my leg was freakkin pain !!
cuz spent all time walking in Pyramid from 11a.m till 7p.m
that's seriously tiring !! but FUN ! =D

Thanks a lot to all my frien that came ! i love you all !

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

♥ Tuesday

Went to gym in the evening after tuition ! i was force to go to that tuition by Alison !
i plan not go to tuition for the hold week , but i went just now ! =(
and , i get some news that i don't even want to know abt it !
Fuck it lah !
i damn freaking saD and emo !
blame it on Alison !
went to Gym and let out all my feeling in dance revolution !
after Gym, Ryan ( my long time no see fren ) =) come and pick me and alicia home .
after that , we went to Josh's party in his fren house .
His friends all are friendly and CRAZY <3
i think every1 is kinda drunk and get high already, that's why they are kinda crazy ..
including ME x)
and ..
there is a guy name Johan ..
his real cute ..
guess what he say when we all ppl gathered and sing ..
he said '' wow , this is cool , is like a camp fire without a fire in a camp !! ''
haha .. xD
i really have a lot fun that night ..
i hang out there till around 1a.m.
Really nice to meet all of them ..
they are all so friendly and nice ..
all the usj4 peoples .. =)
hope can meet you all again on Thursday in Lagoon / PyramiD =)
i love you all <3

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

♥ R.I.P Cik Chai

Cik Chai

she was my math teacher when i was form3
she's good in teaching math.
i score A for math in PMR .

Today, the 3rd period ,
while Pn.Ong was teaching , she receive a phone call ,
the she say Pn.Teo called her .. got case .
i thought it waS just a normal disipline case ,
but few minutes later ,
i realise that i start to see people all taking their bags like wanna go home .
especially those form5 students .

i heard rumours that Cik Chai got H1N1 and passed away . .!
i was like =0
izzit true ??!

then every1 rush to the public phone and call their parents come and pick them home.
the line was damn freaking long !
i'm smarter ! xD
i lend phone from teacher ! xD

when i call my mom and tell her that
'' Mi , skol got H1N1 , got teacher pass away , every1 go home now ''
my mom was like ,
'' okay , i coming in 10min time ''
i was like
'' wee ~ =D can go home ''

mom took subi and sonia come home !
we play and laugh alot !

we camwhore but i lazy wanna upload those photo .
next time la girls . hehe
sorry for the lazyness ! >.<

hey, cute boy ! ! =)

Monday, August 17, 2009

♥ Samsung


Yeah man !! mom bought me this phone.
MINE IS WHITE in colour .
its so cool .
touch screen and 3G .
i can lock my file also .
Alison is the 1st one who know my password .
Josh is the 2st one to touch my phone !
hehe !

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

♥ Thursday

I'm so sorry Alicia and Subi .
i din come school today cause i'm damn tired.
As you know Alicia , i went out with Liang night right , i came home kinda late
i'm not so feeling well cause my bones and leg are pain !!
sorry cause i absent in school today.
Subi , i'll reload for you ..
don't worry =)
anyway ..
i dun hope i miss any fun in class . hehe

( )

♥ Wednesday

The soccer Table

Mr.Pro in soccer table


Sista's Mr.handsome

Pool table

My Sis.


At night,
while i was in gym, Liang suddenly called me and say he's going out to hang out with my sis and her boyfren. So, i join him . ( kinda miss them )
We went bangsar and after that , went for foosball and pool .
we hang out till quite late and the saD thing is .. my backbone is so pain and i cant reali play pool !! Luckly when reach home time , Liang help me take all my gym stuff upstairs.
Thanks Man =D

My Backbones and my legs muscle is so damn freaking pain !
Blame it on Tuesday night.
I went for dancing class till late at night with alicia .
When i reach home ...
i damn freaking tired !
who knows ..
2nd day wake up ,
my bones and legs are so pain !
The way i walk now is kinda similiar to Pn.Ong . xD
like a grandma .... =(
i dun care . i am going to body massage on Friday.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

♥ Tuesday !

Today hold day din study !! wooh ~ =D

welL ..
Brenda is not coming to skol till Friday .. cuz got la something happen .. but dont worry people .. is not because of H1N1 !! =)
Sonia din come school today cuz Sick .. ( maybe H1N1 ) xD <>
Subi din come skol cuz .. i dunno why ! most probably is LAZY ! xD
So, onlyy left me and alicia today ..
but .. today was the fun day .. so bad my friend .. u all miss it !

1st of all ..
Happy Birthday Phillis !
2nd ..
Gg Ling is Become more WILD nowdays !!
she fight wif some girl again .. which 3 class can hear her voice .
that's consider quite powerfull . xD
and also ..
she fall on Ashwin's Ass .. !
her head was like at ashwin's ass and her right hand is Grabbing his ass summore !
i realise it ! we was like OMG !
and we laugh till Non-stop . May's face go damn Freaking RED when she was laughing about this .. is really damn funny !
3rd ..
guess what ..
Puan Teng din come in class for 2 period !! yeah man ! xD
buz BBI got case la .
she wont be absent cuz she's a healthy teacher which come to school everyday.

Went Gym after tuition .
attented the Dance Revolution class .
but i damn freaking tired when i reach home =(

Lastly .
i miss my Mr.D
dunno what happen to him today .
that makes me got a feeling wanna jump down from the tuition window .
i dun
really can survive without you.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

♥ Sunday night

The birthday cake
Tiramisu =)
yummy !

The two birthday Gal !!
friend and cousin(mien.wei )

mien wei, mei mei, me

take 1 # wif the birthday gals & her family

Birthday gal and her family members

went to a friend's house for dinner with my aunties and cousins .
celebrate birthday for the two birthday girls too . =)
the cake was superb !! =D
i ate two big piece . xD
what to do ,
Tiramisu is my Fav. flavour cake

♥ because of you

♥ Daniel
( a guy that i don't get what he's thinking )
( a guy that always drive me crazy )

i freaking miss you
don't treat me like that .
i'm always hurt by you with all your single movement !

Saturday, August 8, 2009

♥ Saturday night !

Jasper Khoo

At night i receive a mms from an unknown number .
No. start wif 6140
obviously not Malaysia's number .
and when i open and see the msg , i was so shock b'cuz i saw Jasper's picture !!
i was wondering which unknown people send me his picture ..
when i see thru my phone list number ,
i saw one of my ausie fren's number start wif this few letters too ..
then onlyy i think of Jasper ! =)
and ..
a msg to ausie cost me rm0.20 onlyy . quite cheap ;)

Miss you

♥ I've Given u too much . I'm Taking back my love

What did i do ?
I give Love to You .
I'm Just Confused .
As i Standing here looking at You .
You think i dont know ,
You make urself Cold ,
How could you believe them over me ,
I"m Ur GirL ,
i'm Out of Control .. How could u let go .
So all this love i give you, you take it away ?
Did i deserve to be left here hurt ?

♥ arh !!

SamSung star !!
it dun really look nice in picture .
but its reali nice !

i'm gonna get this phone no matter what !
i freaking love it !

Mom bring me to Pyramid's Digital Mall just now
she want buy laptop .
and i went to my friend's wroking place
i saw they were Promoting this phone ..
SamSung Star ..
This phone was Awesome . touch screen ... Pink in colour too !!
The price is onlyy Rm799 ~
freking chaep .. ! ♥

Friday, August 7, 2009

♥ Friday

Lily in Green =)

me and alicia =)

sonia in 8Days .

me and brenda *girls talk* xD

me, alicia and brenda

3 oF us !

some pictures abt today .. ^.^

FINISH EXAM !!! yeah ~ but i cant do my akaun paper .. i'm gonna fail AGAIN ..
but . who cares ~=)

went to Sharoton Hotel cuz ah.boy got Grade 1 paino exam.

he told us he din play well cuz got mistake , but he small boy and its onlyy grade1 lah .. no worries la boy and mom .. chill peoples ..
Everything will be fine !

welL .. after that ..
i went taipan and hang out wif Brenda and Alicia there ♥
they take my phone and camwhore alot . !!
till i reach home have to sit infront of the comp and upload all 30+ pictures ..
met sonia and her mom in 8days too ..
she blow clur her hair ..

hope she look nice =)
This outing was awesome
and they were there again wif me abt that PROB .. thanks my fren !!
i love yoouu ...
but brenda .. dun ever fucking say my Mr.D is cute or handsome wif ur that FACE ..
make me worry ah .. !! hehe

unfortunately ..
fun time pass fast . i have to go mastermind ..
they walk me there and they hang out awile in the dancing hall .

Jie came back today .. =)

but she left again , at night.

Mr.D prob ..
i was wanted to let it go Again .
but Mich told me something ..
which make me thinking that having another chance again !!!
how now ?? how .. haiyo ~
gimmie a drum man ,, i wanna beat out my feelings !!

i love you ! ♥

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thursday !

exaammss !!! stress siaL !! study like crazy.
what to do , normally i also din study & din even pay attention in class !
now is the akibat looo .... xp

hahahaha .. i jammed in m.m and i learn something new ! hehe
fun =)
but still ..
there is a place which ...
i dun wanna go but i feel like wanna go ..
i dunno what am i thinking also ~

i fucking miss him !!
my Mr.D .
he seriously driving me crazy !
i promiss myself not to do this anymore !
but ..
it seems like i failed to do this AGAIN !
help ~
i don't care get hurt and be hurt anymore !!

My friends was like ..
'' Lily , doing all this is not worth it .. u desreve some better guy ''
but ..
i do all this is to show my love to him !

i'm really freaking lost !