Sunday, February 6, 2011

just a sunday

lion dance , i used to scared of it. till now i guess (:

that's my pretty cousin sis' <3

my 2nd aunt. the owner of the hse too (:



( kawan baik yg aku gila rindu )

a movie watch
with rafael and aaron

i line up behind all those small kids to get this
* ITS A PINK RABBIT with my ribbon

it's such a tiring day.
i got home from republic yday and slept at 4am,
i dint know that i have to wake up 8 in the morning to my aunty's hse
and i drag the time till 10 only i wake up :D
reach my aunty's hse, time to take angpaos (:
and time for BLACKJACK * i won in every round
then lion dance started around 2 or 3pm

aaron, rafael and chris came along but they only found this place when the lion dance ends -.-
then they chill in the hse awhle then we chao to tropicana city for movie,
THE GREEN HORNET * jay is cute (:

after movie, i was inform that ifwat and mirul is here, waiting for me in starbucks.
i went all the way there and hang out with them awhile cuz
i really miss them soo much, my beloved friends that used to chill with everyday.

i went home at 11pm. tiredss * break down

and i complain out things that i dont like to some1, the 1` that always tell me whats right and wrong.