Saturday, July 24, 2010


i thought i could do this ,
thought i was strong enough to block out all images of you and me,
maybe one day you're going to be sick and tired of me.
you're gonna hate the fact that i cry too much
and i'm mad at practically everything regarding you.
and maybe then you're going to start searching for some else.
some one cuter , some one less demanding and some one that will give you more freedom.
i dont know what's gonna happen in the future
i hope you dont leave me.

you always remind me to stay FRIEND at this moment cause you wanna take thing slow and tired of all those drama. i remember.
but everytime when i wanted to do something that is slightly more than friend, you will push me away ,.
im afraid everytime when i see you chatting with girls .
you are no more sweet to me like you used to.
everytime when i looked back those msg you sent to me last time, i realise you dont say it nowadays anymore.

everytime i think of you, all i can do is just cry out.
you just pushed me away too many time till i'm lack of confident anymore that i can make you stay with me.

remember that day you sent me home, IMPOSSIBLE is the song that played from the radio.
this song ... in my mind.

i dont deserve all these huh ??

i seriously miss those days
days that you used to hug me tight with feelings in it.