Sunday, May 2, 2010

the start

24th April 2010 ( saturday )

1st day of him chatting with me thru fb but that time i gotta go so you ask for my number so that we can keep in touch.Today is also the day you telling me that '' im coming after you, Lily ''
Days by days we're texting each other, every second and every minutes.
You get to know me soo well just in few days time.
monday is ur last day of exam and you stop going school after that butyet, you wake up every morning just to become my alarm by calling me in the morning or text me at times.
Sweetness of yours make me feel that you're such a darl bbe, =)
morning call, morning loongg msg, after school msg and calls, i'm lovin it
Everyday in school i got an excited feeling to quickly get home and look into my phone cause i knew it that you'll text me and FORTUNATELY, u did.
After 7days chat, we finally met up on the 30th April and you said that this is a date.
well ... not bad .
but i skip tuition for my 1st date with you .
lying to my mom .. whatt a bigg sin and after my medicure, i rush all the way to sunway for you. , secret recipe, movie (ip man ), popular bookshop, ole-ole bali and finally home.
im soo into you feeding me food till i dint even realise that you're feeding me seafood.
oh goshhh , im freakkingg allergic to seafood. but God bless me and nothing happen to me.

its wrong and it's right
its black and its white
we fight we break up
we kiss we make out .

time past fast, 6 hours just pass like this.we dont even know when is the next time we can meet each other anymore and i miss you.
finally i found the right guy after sooo many damn months and hope you dont break your promiss that you'll love me.
boy, i love you too !!