Saturday, October 23, 2010

the day


its sooo tired today !!

  • i went out and had breakfast with sister , all the way to ss19 mamak.
  • then go back home change,
  • head to taipan and hunt for graduation cloth. finally found 1 in SENSE (:
  • after that, went garden and foos few round. sister was waiting for me in the car, she dint wanna go garden . hehhehhe .
  • then we left subang.
  • went and pick her boyfriend. then we go around bangsar and chill, do some shoppingggg ;
  • after bangsar, went 1u. and andddd, I BOUGHT A PAIR OF FLATs from there ! finally something caught my eye , price aint matter xD
  • after 1u. ccame all the way here to taipan and have dinner.
  • after dinner, met royston, rowena and james in ss15's sinba. sisha and chill awhile.

reach home around 11 somethingggg .

mummy , she sitting in the hall there. when i came in the house, she was like '' very fun right you ?? out the whole day ?? '' hahhahahhaa.

im tireddddd anddd offf tooooo bed nowwwwww =|

goodnight world