Thursday, March 11, 2010


what a Friday,
woke up late to school, went B.B.I and lapor diri. ( 1st time )
went back to class, a slip want me to go B.B.I. and lapor diri, cause of my lens. ( 2nd times )
so i have to walk all the way there again to explain to teacher about my lens, so .. Pn.Ooi let me go and call me lapor diri on monday.
next, another surat amaran from B.B.I say i always lewat and wanna demerit me 5marks, ( 3rd times ) how i wanna show this letter for my mum to sign wei, she will kill me, ....
i keep it in my bag, then,
brenda and i went B.B.I to pass up our homework. ( 4th times )
suddenly pn.teo pop out,
'' WHERE U GOING ?? '' shout at us, ( obviously we are going back to class right ? asking nonsense ) !!!!
then she call brenda go back to class and call me patah balik ke B.B.I !! ( 5th times )
wtf -.-

Pn.Ooi asked what happen ?
Pn.Teo say my eye, ( fucker , she damn slow laaaa, people already know and already promiss will lapor diri kat B.B.I on monday she still wann ask ) then, after she listen to what pn.ooi say, she speechless already, then she still wanna catch me for something,
and she say my nail, call me to cut it, ishhh*
what people wanna wear colour lens to school also wrong !!!!
what a school rules, she scolded me and say '' asian's people wanna have colour eyes, MEMALUKAN saje !!!! '' wtf !! who don't wanna have colour eyes la ( maybe except for her )

dahlah rampas my phone dun1 give back !!!
she got no fucking right to keep my phone for sooo long, even my dad also says that !!!
and form5, one week holiday only, must give one book of howework !! ishh *

life Lily, life.