Sunday, March 28, 2010

your not gonna reach my telephonee

Hello hello baby you called
I can’t hear a thing
I have got no service
In the club, you say? say?

Wha-wha-what did you say huh?
You’re breakin’ up on me
Sorry I cannot hear you

I’m kinda busy
K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy
Sorry I cannot hear you I’m kinda busy

Just a second
It’s my favorite song they’re gonna play
And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh?
You shoulda made some plans with me
You knew that I was free
And now you won’t stop calling me
I’m kinda busy

Stop callin’
Stop callin’
I don’t wanna think anymore
I got my head and my heart on the dancefloor
Stop callin’
Stop callin’
I don’t wanna talk anymore
I got my head and my heart on the dancefloor

Stop telephonin’
I’m busy e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e
Stop telephonin’

Can call all you want but there’s no one home
And you’re not gonna reach my telephone

‘Cuz I’m out in the club
And I’m sippin that bubb
And you’re not gonna reach my telephone


march 27.3.2010 !!!!

earth hour !!!
me, brenda, sonia, chris, ifwat and amerul.

i love it
when i saw you from far, and i'll be sooo excited to walk forward to you and say
HI !! (:
but awesome time past fast and i hate it when is time for me to wave and say goodbyee to you,.
i feel like looking into your eye
ask for a hug ,
buttt ..,
this is the 2nd times i failed to do this.

i walked off and just left you behind.
Everything that happened i wont forget,
not even a single thing and i hope we'll meet up soon cause


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just break it

when you see me in face and burst out all the reasons
i already know what's gonna happen
i try my best to be strong in front of u
in front of my friend. i failed to be strong and burst out crying.

you used to say you love me everyday and kiss my face softly
and now no more
i seriously miss you,
i hope you used to be really loyal to me.
thanks for telling me everything and i hope its all truth
i believe you cause you dont lie to me.

wants nobody nobody but you

end it with friendship

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


~ 1st day of your camp, you still text me, happy :D

~ 2nd day ot your camp. You dint text me at all the whole day, i was awake till 1 or 2 am, only i get to text and talk to you otp for a moment, i'm kinda piss !!

~ you say your home in the afternoon, but you said you're tired, wanna rest@ sleep. Night time, study and sleep -.-

~ Morning, you got church, after church, lunch wif family, cant text . Reach home, u tell me u sleepy and went to bed. Night time, no hockeyy. i cant get to see you, you have to stay home and study. WTFF !!!
i ask for break but u say u still love me.

~ School starts. Mom dont let me go to tuition for this month, means 2 weeks no tuition, No YOU but you said nevermind la, its okayy. T****day only meet laaa. Sounds like you dun even care ryte that u dun even get to meet your girlfriend ?? Telling me you're tired, you feel grumpy, wann rest, cant talk, bye ~~ !

Why dont we just break up, i see no different if we're together or not ......
i seriously feel no love from you anymore although you say u still reali love me.

but i still love you

Thursday, March 18, 2010

awesome Thursday !!

awesome Thursday ever !!!
went FULL HOUSE for the 6E/2005 reunion.
and the bill ended up is rm400 ++
omggoshh !!

everyone changed alottt !!
i cant even remember some of them and cant even remember some of theirs names !!
sorry friends (:

after tat, we move to AMP SQUARE
sing along babeh !!
the place is sooo big and nice !!
and even got pool table in the room, woooooww !!

but, i left the around 6pm and follow
ifwat,brenda,roystone, sonia
we went movie ( alice in the wonderland )
and shopping,
i tried up one dress in roxy, baby blue colour,
is sooooo nice but its RM100++ !!!!
( just have to say BYE to it )

after movie, went TGIF for dinner and

- the end -


Saturday, March 13, 2010


today is the day you, as my boyfriend,
plant the 1st kiss on my forehead
and the 2nd time on my cheek before we leave each other.


Thursday, March 11, 2010


what a Friday,
woke up late to school, went B.B.I and lapor diri. ( 1st time )
went back to class, a slip want me to go B.B.I. and lapor diri, cause of my lens. ( 2nd times )
so i have to walk all the way there again to explain to teacher about my lens, so .. Pn.Ooi let me go and call me lapor diri on monday.
next, another surat amaran from B.B.I say i always lewat and wanna demerit me 5marks, ( 3rd times ) how i wanna show this letter for my mum to sign wei, she will kill me, ....
i keep it in my bag, then,
brenda and i went B.B.I to pass up our homework. ( 4th times )
suddenly pn.teo pop out,
'' WHERE U GOING ?? '' shout at us, ( obviously we are going back to class right ? asking nonsense ) !!!!
then she call brenda go back to class and call me patah balik ke B.B.I !! ( 5th times )
wtf -.-

Pn.Ooi asked what happen ?
Pn.Teo say my eye, ( fucker , she damn slow laaaa, people already know and already promiss will lapor diri kat B.B.I on monday she still wann ask ) then, after she listen to what pn.ooi say, she speechless already, then she still wanna catch me for something,
and she say my nail, call me to cut it, ishhh*
what people wanna wear colour lens to school also wrong !!!!
what a school rules, she scolded me and say '' asian's people wanna have colour eyes, MEMALUKAN saje !!!! '' wtf !! who don't wanna have colour eyes la ( maybe except for her )

dahlah rampas my phone dun1 give back !!!
she got no fucking right to keep my phone for sooo long, even my dad also says that !!!
and form5, one week holiday only, must give one book of howework !! ishh *

life Lily, life.

in a relationship

i feel nice everyday when i'm with you

you said u love me and i trusted you.
try not to flirt so much and stay with me,
i need you.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

so, KISS ME !! :D

awesome wednesday (:
after tuition, i went garden with keith
but he skip tuition ):

when we all come back to kasturi,
every1 is like asking why wanna skip tuition and stuff all.
sorry keith , make ur friends all angry, including carlos.
myy dear babe sonia, went Mcd and meet up her friend Suraj.

danny daniel, azrul, nabil and ainnudin is in garden too,
we hangout awhile.
Din say he is leaving and goin to kelantan already , this sunday,
not gonna meet him ever ever again, xD
ahhaha. anyway , good luck friend, all the best.

i'm sorry i kinda rejected you and ignore you about the question cause i reali dont feel like answering about it, but when i came home and think wisely, i think i got the answer but you're not asking me anymore, then what's the point i thinking about it ?

please come and ask me again (:

fuck !!
end of MAY onlyy can get back my phone
what kind of nonsense ,
even daddy also say that SCHOOL GOT NO RIGHT TO KEEP MY DAMN PHONE
but i dunno what mummy thinking, she just let it be.
fuckers, they think tat without phone i can study better ?
no such thing.
without my phone, i miss my phone soo much and cant even concentrate study.

i taking another phone and getting another new number for this 2 MONTHS !!!
yeah yeah !!
still can text (:

but still

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Phone !!!!!!!!

i miss my damn phone.
dunno thanks to which bitch wanna bitch around about me ,
tell teacher i bring phone.
you're just an ass.
too much,

Mummy !!!
please come and help me take my phone back,
i cant live without it.
i need to freaking text !!!
omggoshh !

Sunday, March 7, 2010

please be here when i need you.

you promiss me you will stop flirting

you're are not as sweet like what you treat me anymore
you're not the one i am looking for
you just ignore me
you lie to me
( i dunno should i trust you or not )
you just go to other girls when u feel like
you dunno what i am thinking

you dunno how much i miss you sometimes

but i am glad to heard that you say :
you love sports more then me.

and yeah
please be right here when i need you and tell out what you feel to me so that none of us is wasting anyone's time.

ich liebe dich

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Gaga HoLala (:

LiLy L.FoongLi
needs more love from you.
Gimme more.

Ich liebe dich

where is my Mr.Right ??

i found this document in my laptop, and i realise i wrote this few months ago.

xxxxx : some1 want me to ask u this.
xxxxx2 : xxxx ah ?
xxxxx : yea, smart ah u.
xxxxx2 : yea, of course.
xxxxx : xxxx likes you and love you, I think 2 also got la, and she wants to know that should she wait for you or nt ??
xxxxx2 : aiyo, susah ah this girl, I thought we fren.
xxxxx : yeah, so how ? wait or nt ?
xxxxx2 :no 3rd choice ah bro ?
xxxxx : no, u btter answer me, if nt ltr she wanna call me again when I half way bathing.
xxxxx2 : call her wait la, but by the time waiting, we’re just friends.

--------------------------- THE END ------------------------

if i wait for me, does this mean that you're my Mr.Right ??

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


today is the 3rd day for exam,
add.math , sejarah, chinese and sivik paper.
U make me think of you soo much,
thanks to you,
for not replying me the whole day, ( i'm sorry if i did anything wrong )
miss those day you text me since morning 6a.m till night, b4 i go to sleep.

you can call back her and u tell me u got no credit , NONSENSE !!
its okay if u dont wanna text me, just say so.
i'm fine with it.

i hang out with carlos and akmal in garden.
hahaha, my friends :D

Selain itu, tomorrow is the last paper, EKONOMI (: woohooo ~ ~

heading to garden when evening time .