Saturday, October 23, 2010

it was only just a dream .

out of no where, im lying down on his shoulder, cuddle and holding his hand .
something as usual , what we use to do.

i still can feel the love. it's actually still there. im glad that everything is still like last time.

but when i opened my eyes . im alone, without him next to me, and it was only just a dream.

i was thinking about him, thinking about us and thinking about THE PAST.

ohLORD, when can i have back his heart ?? the heart that used to give me love.

i miss him *fael <3

but just for this moment , this second, this minute or today .

that's it , cause i aint letting this dream to spoil my mood and my sunday (:
i've learn how to be strong.

loves ;

the day


its sooo tired today !!

  • i went out and had breakfast with sister , all the way to ss19 mamak.
  • then go back home change,
  • head to taipan and hunt for graduation cloth. finally found 1 in SENSE (:
  • after that, went garden and foos few round. sister was waiting for me in the car, she dint wanna go garden . hehhehhe .
  • then we left subang.
  • went and pick her boyfriend. then we go around bangsar and chill, do some shoppingggg ;
  • after bangsar, went 1u. and andddd, I BOUGHT A PAIR OF FLATs from there ! finally something caught my eye , price aint matter xD
  • after 1u. ccame all the way here to taipan and have dinner.
  • after dinner, met royston, rowena and james in ss15's sinba. sisha and chill awhile.

reach home around 11 somethingggg .

mummy , she sitting in the hall there. when i came in the house, she was like '' very fun right you ?? out the whole day ?? '' hahhahahhaa.

im tireddddd anddd offf tooooo bed nowwwwww =|

goodnight world


something i found when im cleaning my room

from jasper ; yearsss agooo

the friday

ifwat , my buntat

subi and kumar

went out with subita, ifwat and kumar, after meet up in starbucks, we went secret recipe to eat. then chill in oldtown. night time, went rooftop with ifwat, amirul, shaz and 2more girlss.
laughing gas & cake from secret recipe in rooftop . fun yet scary. LOL
after all these nonsense, went to oldtown signature and chill then amirul and ifwat walk me home.
im out since 4.30 till 9 something at night BUT mummy dint call wei =|

im tiredddd, and DINT STUDDYYYYYYY

Monday, October 18, 2010

cheeeezzeeeee (:





trials finally end and i get to online

but once trials end, here come SPM

goshhhh .

i dont give a damn on love anymore.